3 Secrets on How to Pick a Hair Color for Your Wishy-Washy Client
Sometimes customers have no idea what type of hair shade they’d like, but that’s fine. As an expert stylist, it’s your job to help pick out a hair color that will look great on them.Thankfully, we’ve got some top tips on how to pick a hair color they’ll love, whatever their skin tone, age, or features are.
Whether the goal is to cover up stray grays or your client is simply bored of their current color, here are three secrets that will help you narrow down your decision leaving you with a hue that will look fabulous. Let’s get started.
1. Determine What the Client Wants to Achieve
Before you start brainstorming the perfect hair color for your client, talk to them about what they want to achieve from changing their shade.
We’ll get onto assessing skin tone later, but if the hair color significantly differs from the skin tone, it will offer a dramatic feel. While most people prefer a more subtle look, some people may want to attract attention and stand out in the crowd, so speak to your customers about their expectations.
For example, an individual may be tired of being overlooked or ignored in a bar or club, so they may desire a dramatic hair color that is likely to open more conversations. Colors that aren’t natural, like pink, blue, green, or purple are likely to make your client stand out.
If your client would like a more natural look, then you should pick a shade that complements their skin tone and features. Remember though, the more drastic the dye differs from the client’s natural hair shade, the more likely it will look brassy or unnatural when it grows out.
Get your customers to think about the reasons they want to dye their hair and choose a color that will help them achieve their goals.
Likewise, speak to your customers about other qualities of hair coloring, such as whether they’d prefer permanent or semi-permanent dye. A temporary dye is healthier for the hair as it doesn’t require bleaching, however, the color is likely to fade quickly due to continued shampooing and exposure to the air. As a result, temporary dye usually only lasts around six weeks.
Permanent dye, on the other hand, works with the process of oxidation. This means the color infuses into the hair for longer but also results in more damage to the hair than a semi-permanent dye.
Master shows a palette of hair colors on the background of the client’s hair.
2. Compare the Client’s Features to a Celebrity
Choosing the right hair color for a client becomes easier when you compare their skin tone and features to a celebrity with great color and cut. Have a look at your client’s skin tone shade and eye color. If you know of a celebrity that has similar features, this can give great inspiration for a beautiful hair shade.
If you find a celebrity that has a similar eye color and skin tone as your client, but their natural hair color is different, you can also use their natural hair color as inspiration for your client.
For example, actress Sofie Turner made famous from ‘Game of Thrones’ dyed her hair from her much-loved copper-red auburn shade to a dazzling bright blonde. Sofie looks amazing with both hair colors, so she can provide great inspiration for anyone with fair skin and light blue eyes like hers.
Plus, many people love matching their hair colors to their favorite celebrity’s mane, so most clients will be more than happy to bring in a snap of a hairdo that they adore. Then, you can advise whether you believe the shade to be suitable for them or not.
3. Assess the Client’s Skin tone
Find the perfect hair color for your client by assessing their skin tone.
Warm skin tones, for example, suit a beautiful warm hair color too.
If your customer dreams of going lighter, opt for a blush-y, pinky blonde to complement their skin. A golden beige and buttery blonde looks stunning on someone with warm undertones.
If the client’s skin tone is cool, seek cool shades to complement it. Bright colors such as platinum, beige blonde, and baby taupe blonde are some of the best lighter colors for cool skin tones.
Nicole Kidman, with her pale skin, looks incredible with her icy blonde hair. She also nails a cool red look too. Lucy Liu’s quick switch to blonde in 2018 is another great example.
If your customer has neutral undertones, then lucky them. They have the most flexibility with color.
If someone with neutral undertones wants to go blonde, they can experiment with plenty of shades, from ashy cool platinum to a gentle beige blonde to a golden or amber hue. Jessica Biel is a good example of someone with neutral undertones.
Regardless of your client’s skin tone and the color you’re hoping to match, remember to ensure that the depth of the color is at least two shades darker or lighter than the skin. This is to prevent the client from looking washed out.
How to Pick a Hair Color for a Client
With our guidance, now you know best how to pick hair color for a client.
Remember, these tips are just to help get you started. With time, you’ll develop more knowledge and skills on how to find the perfect shades to suit your clients.
In some cases, your client won’t like the colors you choose for them. But who’s to say what’s right and wrong?
The best thing to do in such cases is to listen to your customers and advise them. However, the goal is to give them a shade that they’ll love so they’ll leave the salon happy.
Want to discover how to become a professional hairstylist and colorist? We’re here to help. Learn about the Tenaj Salon Institute and how we can make your dreams come true or apply here to begin your journey.