Open Monday thru Friday 9:00 am – 4:45 pm

Fall Beauty Tips

You can feel it in the air, you can see it in your hair… Fall is near! The drop in humidity and temperature often make for better hair days, but create a battle with dryness for your skin and nails. Recognize your body changes with the seasons, accept this compassionately, and make conscious choices to...
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Add More Hair Volume

A daily hair struggle is trying to achieve the perfect amount of volume, regardless of hair type. It could be what products you’re using, what products you’re not using, your hair type, product build-up, or many reasons why your hair is falling flat. This can be fixed though! The hair fairies won’t let you down....
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How-To: Get the No-Makeup Makeup Look

In the beauty industry, we’re digging deep into authenticity. Each of us is inspired to embrace our natural beauty and feel confident in our own skin. As a collective, society is evolving in their beliefs. They are realizing their outer beauty is a reflection of their inner beauty. Because of this realization, people are choosing...
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Hairstyles for the Heat

Summer comes and goes each year, but when it does arrive, I always find myself saying, “I don’t remember it being this hot last year,” when in fact, it was this hot last year. Despite being a Floridian and never acclimating to the high temperatures, heat-friendly hairstyles have been my saving grace! Wearing you hair...
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Summer Beauty Tips

The first official day of summer in our neck of the woods (the northern hemisphere) is June 21! Now is the time to prepare our hair, skin, and nail routines for the hot sun, salty water, and chlorinated pools! During the summertime, our beauty routines must be adjusted to not fight against Mother Nature, but...
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Popular Nail Art Ideas

Nail art is such a fun, unique way to express yourself and better connect with your individuality. Our nails are often a conversation piece because they are one of the first things we notice when talking to another person. “I love your nails!,” “Where did you get your nails done?,” and “Who did your nails?”...
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How-To: Take Care of Your Hair When Traveling

Hair care and traveling don’t always mix — BUT, they can! How do you effectively take care of your hair when traveling? There are many factors involved for maintaining beautiful, healthy hair while you’re vacationing. These factors will vary among each person. What’s hair care routine like? What’s your hair type? What will the weather...
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Beauty Over the Past 100 Years

Ever wondered about beauty over the past 100 years? Beauty is always trending, but beauty trends are always changing. Although they are constantly changing, as history repeats itself, so do beauty trends. For instance, what was popular in the 90s and Y2K era is now popular today. Let’s explore the most widely-known and documented beauty...
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