Open Monday thru Friday 9:00 am – 4:45 pm

Personalizing Your Haircare Routine

So, you want great hair? Join the club! Personalizing your own hair care routine is the most effective way to consistently nurture your hair. Personalization is key, because when are we involved in the process, we are more likely to follow through with taking care of our hair. The following are tips on how you...
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What Does a Cosmetologist Do?

Cosmetology an artistic and fun career path that requires a lot of hard work. Read here to find out what does a cosmetologist do to learn more! Have you always been interested in anything that revolves around beauty? Do you want to work in a field that allows you to beautify people on all levels?...
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How to Graduate from Cosmetology School: 5 Steps to High-Income Skills

There is no denying that the world is in need of skilled cosmetologists. The beauty industry has been growing at unprecedented rates in recent years, with demand for hairdressers, nail technicians, waxing specialists, and stylists skyrocketing. However, despite rising demand, cosmetology remains a crowded field. There are close to 600,000 cosmetologists in the United States...
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