Open Monday thru Friday 9:00 am – 4:45 pm

Tips to Prevent Breakouts

How do you prevent breakouts? Well, let’s first humanize the fact that we all suffer from breakouts from time to time. This is not something to be ashamed of, but something that can be accepted as a beautiful part of being alive.  While we can humanize and accept having pimples on our skin, it also...
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Is Cosmetology School Worth It?

We’re here to tell you yes, cosmetology school is absolutely worth it. And we’re not just saying that because we are a cosmetology school. We do what we do for a reason: to set up others for long-term success in the beauty industry (one of the most leading industries on the globe!) If you’re on...
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New Year’s Eve Beauty Looks

New Year’s Eve is a universal holiday devoted to celebrating. It naturally inspires you to learn from gained experiences of the past year, and look forward to what new experiences are to come!  In fact, in the United States alone, it’s approximated 92% of adults celebrate NYE in some capacity; whether they choose to gather...
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Holiday Gift Ideas

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but this Christmas I’ll give you the gift of great hair! TENAJ Salon Institute is not only a cosmetology school and full-service salon, but a salon boutique. We carry various hair care products, along with skin and nail products. Aside from the beauty goodies, we carry an array...
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How often should you wash your hair?

According to the Milady Standard Cosmetology textbook, hair is to be washed “as often as necessary to remove dirt, oils, and product build-up.” Contrary to this hot take, cosmetologists, and people in general, differ in their opinion regarding how often you should wash your hair. Before getting into anything, what do you think? Do you...
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Fall Beauty Tips

You can feel it in the air, you can see it in your hair… Fall is near! The drop in humidity and temperature often make for better hair days, but create a battle with dryness for your skin and nails. Recognize your body changes with the seasons, accept this compassionately, and make conscious choices to...
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Add More Hair Volume

A daily hair struggle is trying to achieve the perfect amount of volume, regardless of hair type. It could be what products you’re using, what products you’re not using, your hair type, product build-up, or many reasons why your hair is falling flat. This can be fixed though! The hair fairies won’t let you down....
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How-To: Get the No-Makeup Makeup Look

In the beauty industry, we’re digging deep into authenticity. Each of us is inspired to embrace our natural beauty and feel confident in our own skin. As a collective, society is evolving in their beliefs. They are realizing their outer beauty is a reflection of their inner beauty. Because of this realization, people are choosing...
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Hairstyles for the Heat

Summer comes and goes each year, but when it does arrive, I always find myself saying, “I don’t remember it being this hot last year,” when in fact, it was this hot last year. Despite being a Floridian and never acclimating to the high temperatures, heat-friendly hairstyles have been my saving grace! Wearing you hair...
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